VAHEAT | Microscopy in Research Core

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VAHEAT is a precise temperature control unit for optical microscopes. It combines local heating with direct temperature sensing in the sample volume. This allows for fast and precise temperature adjustment with heating rates up to 100°C/s while maintaining highest temperature precision. Made for investigations of temperature-sensitive processes in life sciences and material research.

Vaheat heater

Compatible Imaging Techniques:  

  • Widefield microscopy
  • Confocal microscopy
  • Super resolution methods (SIM, STORM, PALM, PAINT, STED)
  • Total internal reflection microscopy (TIRM)
  • Interferometric scattering microscopy (iSCAT)
  • Atomic force microscopy (AFM)

Microscopy Core Facility VAHEAT Unit Policy  

  1. VAHEAT (INTERHERENCE) device is available to Microscopy Core users at no charge.
  2. The Microscopy Core does not provide the smart substrates.
  3. Users must fill out the log sheet at the time of check-out and return.
  4. User who signs the log sheet is responsible for the safety of the device and its return in a timely manner.
  5. Users may borrow the device for a maximum of two weeks. 
  6. Users may extend time of holding the device after receiving permission from Core staff. 

How do you reach us?

If you need assistance planning your experiment or just need an overview of available options, staff are happy to discuss your project goals. Please feel free to contact us for a consultation to ensure optimal experimental design and setup.

Małgorzata (Margo) Bieńkowska-Haba, PhD
Research Specialist, Microscopy
(318) 675-8537

Kelly Tatchell, PhD
Scientific Adviser, Microscopy
Professor and Chairman of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
(318) 675-5163