REAL-TIME PCR | Research Core

Purple lines


This is an image of fragmented DNA on an agarose gel.
Fluorescence-based real-time PCR is an established method for precise, efficient and rapid nucleic acid detection. It combines amplification and detection in a single step. The sensitivity of this method permits reliable detection of small amounts of starting template. Because the PCR product is detected using fluorescent dyes in real time, it is quantitative without requiring the use of gel electrophoresis.   
Real-Time PCR Key Applications:
  • Gene expression analysis
  • microRNA and non-coding RNA analysis
  • SNP analysis
  • Genotyping/allelic discrimination


How do you reach us?

If you need assistance planning your experiment or just need an overview of available genomics options, staff are happy to discuss your project goals. Please feel free to contact us for a consultation to ensure optimal experimental design and setup.

Camille Cannon, MS
Research Specialist, Genomics
(318) 675-4174

Rona Scott, PhD
Director, CMTV Genomics Core
Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
(318) 675-6263