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A select number of academic programs earn the designation as a Center of Excellence by the Louisiana Board of Regents and must demonstrate statewide leadership in their area of focus and a commitment to building on their respective strengths by advancing knowledge and skills to create better opportunities for improving the quality of life of Louisiana residents. Designated centers share being a hallmark of the institution with a strong performance record, concentration in a clearly defined area relevant to the state’s needs, a range of academic, training and research opportunities, and engagement with the greater community to address current issues. LSU Health Shreveport is home to four designated Centers of Research Excellence.

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Feist-Weiller Cancer
Center of Excellence

The FWCC team is committed to bringing life-saving discoveries about cancer to all of Louisiana and beyond. Collaboration between cancer researchers and treating physicians fosters a more comprehensive understanding of cancer.

Learn more about FWCC

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Center of Excellence for
Arthritis and Rheumatology

The CEAR engages in a multidisciplinary clinical, research and education mission to provide patients with cutting-edge care, advance the science of inflammatory and immunology diseases and to educate physicians.

Learn more about CEAR

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Center of Excellence for Cardiovascular Diseases
and Sciences

The CCDS's mission is to advance the understanding of cardiovascular disease and translational research while developing future generations of basic and clinical science investigators.

Learn more about the CCDS 

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Center of Excellence for Emerging Viral Threats

The CEVT intersects critical public health needs with timely delivery of clinical and vaccine trials, testing, key SARS-CoV2 and other pathogen clinical diagnosis, community education, and training scientists, physicians and health work force.

Learn more about the CEVT



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Center for
Brain Health

The CBH expands neuroscience-related education, provides comprehensive care for brain disorders, and attracts young specialists and pioneering clinical trials to North Louisiana, and competes for large scale research funding.

Learn more about the CBH

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Louisiana Addiction Research Center

LARC is committed to increasing knowledge and advancing research related to Substance Use Disorders to create a better quality of life for the citizens of our area.


Learn More about LARC

Center of Academic Excellence for Patient Centered Rehabilitation

The School of Allied Health Professions' Center (CAE-PaCeR) will establish an infrastructure to bring the relevant academic, research, and clinical programs of the School into alignment for clinical learning, innovation, and collaboration.

Learn More about CAE-PaCeR

Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence

In addition to the six Louisiana Board of Regents and LSU Board of Supervisors approved Centers, LSU Health Shreveport has two National Institutes of Health (NIH) Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE). The Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) awards support the establishment and development of innovative, state-of-the-art biomedical and behavioral research centers at institutions in IDeA-eligible states through awards for three sequential five-year phases.

Center for Applied Immunology and Pathological Processes

The Center for Applied Immunology and Pathological Processes, directed by Dr. Andrew Yurochko, was established In 2021, supported by a five year, $10.5 million grant from the NIH.

 Learn more about CAIPP

Center for Redox Biology and Cardiovascular Disease

The Center for Redox Biology and Cardiovascular Disease, directed by Dr. Chris Kevil, was established in 2018 and is supported by a five-year, $10.5 million NIH COBRE grant.

Learn More about this Center

Our Centers are actively engaged in educating the community,
training future scientists and advancing research through active collaborations.


Latest Research Centers News

Photo of Center of Brain Health team viewing screens of brain for evaluation

Our Centers

We Teach. We Heal. We Discover.